Building Team Updates

Building Team Updates

On this page: Feedback Forms, Video Updates, FAQ

Forms for Congregational Feedback:
Click here to Submit Items to Consider | Click here to Submit Interest & Skills


Latest Update

We’ve hired an architect and are working on confirming the final layout before they comit to the detailed drawings.

Over the next few weeks we will be reaching out to members to get feedback on items needed once we get to the bidding process.


Building Team FAQ

Q:  How will the Building Team stay in touch with the Congregation?  
A:  The Building Team will post regular video updates to review progress. The Building Team briefs leadership regularly and  will post website and family email list updates for major milestones as well. 

Q: When will we move into the Sandhill Property?
A: The short answer is we don’t know yet. Based on similar size renovation jobs and commercial building we expect it will take at least several months once we begin. When we have information we will share it.

Q: When is the Purchase of the Sandhill Property Official?
A: The Building Team is not directly involved the purchase of the property but is updating leadership with all relevant information. The scheduled closing date is June 27, 2022.

Q: Who is on the Building Team?
A: Heath Cates, Truett Lawrence, Joe Minieri, Jin Noh, Jonathan Salmons, Tyler Riggs

If you have an idea or a question that’s not answered here, please email the Building Team  
