Grace Heritage Church: Building a household of faith on a foundation of grace

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Amanda's Testimony

Before coming to Auburn, I knew little about the importance of finding a church home in college. As a young Christian, I figured that by going to a campus ministry once a week and attending a worship service on Sunday would suffice. I did not understand the biblical importance and value of deep Christian worship and fellowship, especially during my formative college years. By God's grace, he lead me to Grace Heritage. I have been so blessed by this church. One of the greatest blessings I have received is the guidance and friendship that the older women of the church have provided me. They have taught me through words and through actions what a Proverbs 31 woman looks like. I am encouraged by these ladies not just on Sundays, but throughout the week by their phone calls, emails, lunch dates, and especially their prayers. I will soon be leaving Auburn, and I know that what God has taught me at Grace Heritage, and the relationships I have built, will be eternally valuable.

College Ministry